Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I just realized that I haven't written a blog post in over two months.  Not because I have nothing to write about.  But because I have too much.  I don't even know where to start.  And the things I have to write about take up all my time so I don't have time to write.....ahhhhh it's a vicious cycle!

So here's a post.  A timeline.  Of the last few months and the next few months in the Diller household.  I will try to get better about posting in the coming weeks.  I have lots of thoughts about these things.  I might just have to tackle writing about them one by one.

January:  I gave my 6-month notice at Pathway.  Hey if you know you're gonna quit, may as well tell them early!  Looking forward to being a stay-at-home-mom.

Mid-April:  Dustin interviewed at a cardiology office in Greenwood (just south of Indianapolis).  They knew he wouldn't be done with his graduate work until October, and that's when this job would start.

Mid-May:  Dustin was offered the job and accepted!

(Side note: This job will be in a doctor's office and will be 9-5 type of schedule.  No holidays, no weekends, no evenings.  Yesssssss.)

June:  Getting our house ready to put on the market.  There's nothing big that needs fixed, but lots of little things and de-cluttering spaces.

June 23:  Little brother got married.  Got a new sister.  Pretty happy about all that.

And now we head into the future.....

July 5:  My last day working at Pathway.

July 7-ish:  Our house will be (should be?) ready to go on the market.

Rest of July:  Showings.  Looking at houses in Greenwood.  Hopefully selling one house and buying another.

July 27:  My birthday.  And the Olympics start.  Pretty excited about that.

August 2-ish:  Paisley is born.  Kind of a big deal.

August/September/October:  Adjust to life with two kids, pack up our house, buy a new house, move to Greenwood, Dustin finishes grad school.  Oh, and probably not sleeping a whole lot.  Because of the Paisley thing.

October 22:  Dustin starts his new job.

Is God teaching me things in this season?  Absolutely.  Do I want to record those things on this blog?  Absolutely.  Expect more writings in the coming weeks.  In between training my replacement at work, cleaning out my laundry room (and every other room and closet in this house), packing boxes, chasing around a 2-year old, and being 8 months pregnant.

Don't expect too much.  But expect something.