Well I've done it. I've started a blog. I always wanted to blog. But I didn't think I had anything worth writing about. Our life is very normal at the moment. No one is sick or going through a trial. We don't homeschool, and we're not in the adoption process (yet). I'm not super crafty or great in the kitchen. I'm not even really a great writer. On the surface, I don't have anything interesting going on that people would want to read.
But in the normalcy, God is teaching me so many things. I heard a speaker once say "Ask people what God is teaching them. That doesn't get asked enough. And share what God is teaching you." So I started asking people what God's been teaching them. And I've been so blessed by the answers to that question. So I guess that's the purpose of this blog: to share what God is teaching me and my family, whether our life is full of interesting or full of normal.
"My comfort and my glory are shaken when I see that my life's not a story about me." It's from a song called "Stay Humble" by Tyler James. I first heard it during a very impressionable time in my life. Since then, I've listened to that song hundreds of times. And that line has always stuck with me. It brings much-needed perspective. Too many times I think my life is a story about me. I try to make it about me. But the truth is, it's not. Not at all. God is writing a story about Himself, and I get to be a part of it. That's all.
So even though I'm in the midst of NORMAL, it's not my story anyway. His story is always interesting. And as He writes my life, and as I share it, I hope all my stories point to Him. Whether they're filled with deep spiritual truth or they're about funny things that happen at the grocery store. He's in all of it. And I'm so thankful.
I just found your blog! Yay for blogs of people I know! I've already been encouraged by some of your posts. Thanks for sharing what God is teaching you with us.