Monday, February 20, 2012


Okay, it's been awhile since I've blogged.  Not that life has been dull.  Just nothing that I've been moved to write about.  

Then last night Jack was going through some drawers and found his baby book.  That's supposed to record the first year of his life.  But really it was more like the first week of his life.  And then I fizzled out.  

I've never been good about scrap-booking, album-making, or baby-booking.  Just not my thing.  I'd like to think that Facebook keeps a pretty good record of life events, between the photo albums and my status updates.  And maybe this blog should do a little bit of that too.  

Jack is changing so fast, and learning new things so quickly that sometimes it's easy to forget what he was doing a few months ago, or even last week.  So here's what he's up to right now.

Top Ten Favorite Jack-isms of Right Now:

1.  "I see you!"  He loves looking through things: an empty paper towel tube, toy binoculars, or even the little holes in the middle of his cheese crackers.  He'll say it ten times in a row...."I see you, Mama!  I see you Daddy!"  

2.  "I do it!"  He loves trying to do things all by himself.  Oh, toddler independence.  

3.  "I did it 'self!"  When he succeeds at toddler independence.  So proud.

4.  "Help please, Mama."  Ahhhh I love this!  It's so sweet!  I usually hear this when he's playing a game on the iPad, or when he's trying to fill up his bathtub squirt toys with water. 

5.  "Fun!"  Everything is fun.  This morning the "fun!" things included eating a waffle, taking a bath, and sitting on a towel while I blow-dried his hair.  "Sit on towel fun!!!"  Okay kid, whatever you say.

6.  "I flush!"  He LOVES flushing the toilet, and any time Dustin or I mention we're going to the bathroom he comes running in, exclaiming, "I flush!  I flush!"  (Note:  he will also exclaim this very loudly in Target if you mention you have to go potty.)  

7. "Mama sit."  Soooo many times during the day he pats the space next to him and says, "Mama sit."  What a sweetie-pie, wanting to sit next to his Mama, and wanting her to take a break and relax for a few minutes.  (That's what he's thinking, right?)

8.  "Daddy hide upstairs!"  Every night at bedtime he wants Dustin to hide so he can go find him.  It's definitely one of our favorite parts of the day.  On the nights that Dustin's at work I hide instead, but I'm not as good at it as Daddy is.  

9.  Counting to ten.  Very, VERY loudly.

10.  "Manu!"  This is my absolute FAVORITE.  Manu is Jackanese for "love you."  Lots of his other Jackanese words are slipping away as he learns the actual words, but this one is still stuck.  And, not gonna lie, I hope it sticks for a long time!  I've starting telling him "manu" instead of "love you," hoping he won't learn the actual words yet.  And probably one of the sweetest things is when he pats my belly and says, "Manu, baby."  

There you have it.  The top ten Jack-isms of today.  They may change as soon as tomorrow, but today this is what he's like, this is what he's learning, and this is what I love about him.  And now I don't have to scrap-book about it.  :)

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