Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just a Snare

My friend Kyle just started a drum company.  He recently built us a snare drum to use at Pathway.  It's pretty stinkin' amazing.  (If you're interested, check out LevyDrumCo.)  The plan is for him to eventually build us a whole kit.  I. Can't. Wait.

This weekend, Kyle played with us on the team.  Which is always a treat.  Mostly because of his hair.  :)  And he plays the snot outta the drums.

As I watched him playing that snare that he built with his own hands, I couldn't help but think how cool that must be.  To create something from nothing.  And then to play use it for its intended purpose.  So I asked him about it.  Asked him how it felt to play that drum.  Here are some of his quotes from our conversation:  

"Yeah it's pretty sweet."  

"I know everything that's wrong with it."  

"I built it with a purpose in mind.  A specific sound I wanted to get out of it."  

"Everything on it is there for a reason."  

So....just to recap:

He thinks it's pretty sweet that he gets to play his creation.  

He knows everything that's wrong with it, but still makes awesome-ness come out of it.

He created it for a specific purpose.  To be used in a certain way.  He knew in advance what he wanted it to do and he made it to do just that.

Every detail that's included in that drum is there for a reason.  It contributes to how the drum sounds, and how it contributes to the whole band.  To the whole worship music experience for all of us.

Sound familiar?  

We are just a snare.  

We have things wrong with us.  And our Creator knows it.  Better than anyone else.  But He still wants to use us for awesome-ness.

We were created with a specific purpose in mind.  

Everything about us is there for a reason.  Every personality trait.  Every past experience, whether good or bad.  Every detail of our lives builds who we are and how our story sounds.  And how it contributes to The Bigger Story.  

And our Creator thinks it's pretty sweet to make music with us.

Wait, I think that's worth saying again.

Our Creator thinks it's pretty sweet to make music with us!!!

So thanks, Kyle.  Yes, for building us a super awesome snare.  But also for reminding me that I am just a snare.  And the most beautiful thing I can do is to let my Creator do what He wants with me.  

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