Monday, January 9, 2012

Forever Reign

Do you know the song Forever Reign?  If not, listen to it.  Right now.  Go buy it on iTunes.  Or if you're cheap, look it up on YouTube.  Then come back and read the rest of this post.  

We did that song yesterday.  And every time I hear it, I'm taken back to the first time I led it.  God was working on me big time.  

On Saturday, November 26th, I was leading worship at Pathway.  Tyler had asked us to wrap up the service with the song Forever Reign.  I got to sing it.  And I was pretty excited about it.  Love that song!

But I was really nervous on November 26th.  Not because of the song.  I was supposed to start my period the next day.  (Sorry if that's TMI for you males.)  And, as I've mentioned before, November was our last try to get pregnant.  I was planning to take a test on Sunday morning.  And I was anxious.  

Remember how the Bible says "be anxious for nothing" and we're supposed to give all our requests to God?  Well...with the whole trying to get pregnant thing, I was pretty good at that.  Until that weekend.  Until it was the last try.  Crunch time.  And there was absolutely nothing else I could do but wait until the next day and pee on a stick.  

And then in the middle of that song, I realized what I was singing.  Words like "the riches of Your love will always be enough" and "You are Peace when my fear is crippling" and "You are God, of all else I'm letting go."  

And I realized that I believed it.  Somehow I had let the anxiety creep in.  And I forgot.  I forgot that His riches are enough.  Always.  I forgot that He gives me peace.  Always.  And that He is God, and I can let go of everything else.  Always.  No matter what the peestick says.  

In moments like that, it's hard to keep singing.  But I did.  

And twelve hours later, the peestick had good news.  :)

I sang that song twice more on Sunday.  Same song as the night before.  But a totally different experience for me.  No one else would have known (no one else even knew that I was pregnant, except for Dustin).  But God and I knew exactly what I was feeling.  I can't really explain it, but it was a sweet, sweet moment between me and Jesus.  

And as I sang those same words, I hoped that they would mean as much to someone else in the room as they meant to me.  

You are more, You are more than my words will ever say
You are Lord, You are Lord, all creation will proclaim
You are here, You are here, in Your presence I'm made whole
You are God, You are God, of all else I'm letting go

Oh, I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world, forever reign

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