I finally did it. I finally called Schwan's and cancelled our service.
I could NOT say no to the guy! He was so nice! So every time he came to the door, I felt like I had to buy something. It was always something we didn't really need. And too expensive. But I just had to buy stuff. Kinda like when the cute little girl down the street wants to sell us some candy bars. The Schwan's man is definitely not a cute little girl. But I still couldn't say no. It's a problem.
Don't get me wrong, Schwan's is great. I'm not bashing them at all. The food is good. When I was pregnant with Jack I practically lived on their mint chocolate chip drumsticks. (Is that why he's such a sweet tooth?) But we just don't eat frozen food very often. It's an unnecessary expense for us right now.
So instead of doing the mature thing and telling the guy we didn't want Schwan's anymore, I've been dodging him. Every other Tuesday evening I've been finding stuff to do so we wouldn't be home when he came over. We'd go shopping or to a friend's house. Or sometimes when I heard the truck coming, we would hide out in the basement like we were in the Underground Railroad. When Jack was a baby, I would put my hand over his mouth so he wouldn't cry. It was actually kind of a thrill, trying not to get caught.
And on the days that we forgot he was coming, and we'd be in the driveway playing when he pulled up, I knew I would be buying some sweet potato fries or ice cream sandwiches. Of course.
This has been going on for about a year and a half. Pathetic, I know.
But today was the day. After calling Jen and asking (again) if we could come over to play until after the Schwan's man came to our house, I decided enough was enough. I'm tired of the running. So I called the 800 number and told them we're trimming our budget and the Schwan's has to go.
It's over.
I grew up a little bit more today.
hahahah this is so funny kendra =)