Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Mind of a Toddler Explained!

For about a month now, my son Jack has been calling his giraffe lovey-thing "Brush."  In his 21-month-old brain, somehow that was a fitting name for a giraffe.  For the past few weeks, Dustin and I have been trying to figure out where in the world he came up with the name Brush.  He loves brushing his teeth, and brushing his hair, and painting with a brush, but none of those activities includes a giraffe.

Then today I got my answer.  We were playing in the living room, and all of a sudden Jack pointed to the mantel and said "Brush!"  He was pointing to the wood-carved giraffes that Dustin bought in Africa several years ago.  The tails were facing us.  And I realized that a giraffe's tail looks a lot like a paintbrush.

I wonder what else he's been trying to tell us.

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